In the following rules, the words noted here refer to specific terms: 1) CONGRESS, to the 28th International Health & Fitness Congress by GRAFTS Hellas; 2) ATTENDEES, to those who have been legally registered, have paid the respective participation fee and are participating in the 28th International Health & Fitness Congress by GRAFTS Hellas; 3) GRAFTS, to FITNESS INNOVATION E.E., Miaouli 14, Komotini, Greece. - COMPLIANCE
By completing the application (in paper or electronic form) or by paying the corresponding participation cost, the prospective Congress participant automatically accepts unconditionally the rules of participation in the Congress. - ORGANIZATION, PLACE & TIME OF THE EVENT
The Congress is organized by FITNESS INNOVATION E.E., Miaouli 14, Komotini, Greece.
The Congress will take place on 15, 16 & 17 March 2019 in Thessaloniki, at the 'Ioannis Vellidis' Conference Center, and more specifically at the venues determined by the organizers.
Checking will begin on Friday, March 15, 2019, from 08:00.
Participation in the Congress is only allowed to those who have submitted the relevant application and settled their financial obligations. - ORGANIZATIONAL
Entrance and exit to the congress area are allowed to the Attendees who will wear the special visa band, which each participant will receive during the registration or checking process. The Attendee should wear it continuously throughout the Conference. It should not be removed, as in this case it is destroyed and becomes inactive.Participation in the programs is allowed in the places indicated by the organizers.
The Attendees are also required to attend the scheduled appointment time and leave at the end of the course so that the training programs are properly provided.
By registering and receiving the visa band, the Attendee receives the printed materials, the notes of the presenters (if available) and anything else provided by the organizers. - MANDATORY EQUIPMENT - PERSONAL ITEMS
The Attendee must bring the appropriate athletic clothing with him/her for his/her participation in the Congress programs.The Attendee should not abandon his/her personal items within the Conference Center and has sole responsibility for guarding them. The organizers bear no responsibility for the loss of personal items of the Attendees.
The Attendee must keep the conference rooms and auxiliary areas (changing rooms - toilets) clean after each use.During the Congress, the participants must behave in a decent way and be fully cooperative with the Congress organizers. They can attend - whether or not they participate - as long as no problems arise with the conduct of courses. Otherwise the organizers have the right to remove the Attendee from the conference room and not allow him/her to enter.
During the Congress, private video recording is prohibited by any means (camera - mobile phone), except for a small number of indicative snapshots (photographs or video less than 1 minute) for commemorative reasons or for personal publication on Social Media. The photographic and video coverage of the Congress will be made by an authorized professional team, and the Attendees may contact GRAFTS for obtaining any material that the latter may decide to provide.GRAFTS retains the copyright of all material that will be recorded during the Congress by the professional team responsible for that, and all participants in the Congress automatically accept with their registration that they may appear in photos or videos without their seek permission and without being able to claim any compensation for any publication of material.
The content of the training provided, the material (paper form - electronic, etc.), the training method, the symbols, the choreographies and their structure are intellectual property of GRAFTS and any reproduction or use them is prohibited without its approval. Otherwise, GRAFTS reserves all legal rights.
GRAFTS will retain the data submitted via the electronic or printed Registration/Application Form by the prospective Congress participants. The data may be used by GRAFTS to communicate with them about the Congress.They may also be stored, analyzed and used by GRAFTS so that the latter can provide, develop and improve its services (in accordance with the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of the www.grafts.gr website, if submitted electronically). Any prospective Attendant reserves the right to withdraw his/her consent at any time by informing GRAFTS accordingly.
Cancellation policy does not allow for refund. Participants who do not participate for any reason (illness, withdrawal etc.) can redeem 75% of the cost of participation (and 100% in cases of force majeure) in trainings organized by GRAFTS Hellas in the next 6 months. - LIABILITY DISCLAIMER
GRAFTS is not responsible for any damage to the health of the participants in the Congress, who, by submitting the application for participation:
(a) declare that they are aware of the risks involved in participating in sporting activities
(b) assure that their state of health is good, having been recently examined by a physician for that, and that their state of health allows them to participate in such activities
(c) state that they will behave responsibly when participating in any such activity - MODIFICATION OF REGULATIONS
GRAFTS reserves the right to modificate the Congress's rules of conduct without prior notice.