7th GFS 2019 - Pilates Teachers Meeting banner

Pilates Teachers Meeting

Three workshops compose the Pilates module at the 7th GFS 2019. Four of the best Greek teachers will introduce attendees to new method trends and smart tools aiming at improving their performance. Application of the Yoga Wheels, Yoga Blocks and Reformer under a different innovative Pilates approach.


  • Pilates Phases with Yoga Wheels

    sofia tsatalmpasidou health one greece

    Sofia Tsatalmpasidou, BSc (GR)

    SATURDAY 09:00-10:50

    Pilates Phases is a training course structured in 4 phases that uses the Yoga Wheel. Ιt starts with a continuous flow warm-up and continues with strength training, balance training and finally body flexibility and relaxation. The Yoga Wheel will enable an application of the method in both simple and difficult exercises, in a completely different way.

  • Pilates Blocks

    georgios georgiadis

    Georgios Georgiades, MSc (GR)

    SUNDAY 09:00-10:50

    In this workshop, the Yoga Blocks will be used as a tool to improve balance. The Mat Pilates repertoire of exercises will be applied using the Blocks, while focusing on the stabilization of the shoulder and hip joints.

  • Improving body imbalances on the Reformer

    asimina karailia alissa kallinikou

    health one greece

    Asimina Karailia, BSc (GR) & Alissa Kallinikou, BSc (CY)

    SUNDAY 15:00-16:50

    Body balance is one of the key principles of Pilates, but also a prerequisite for a rigorous course. Repeated movements in our daily life, or in our training, sometimes create strong and weak points in our body. This workshop will focus on balancing the weak and powerful sides, through a customized exercise set on the Reformer.

  • The Pilates Teachers Meeting pricing includes all Workshops.

    Alternatively, someone may enroll for a single Workshop.